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citrusy like citrus, esp. like the citrus fruits lemon, lime,or orange.
cittern a sixteenth-century instrument of the guitar family, having a flat-backed, pear-shaped body and wire strings.
city a large and significant town, usu. a locally governed commercial and population center. [2 definitions]
city chicken see "mock chicken."
city council the elected governing body of a city, whose functions include enacting city laws or ordinances, imposing taxes, and appropriating funds.
city father an important male city official, such as a mayor or councilman.
city hall the building that houses the offices of city officials. [2 definitions]
city manager a person appointed by a city council to oversee and direct the affairs of the city.
city planner one whose profession is city planning.
city planning the study or practice of creating plans for the use of land and space in a city, including the development and location of roads, parks, residential and business areas, hospitals, stadiums, and the like.
cityscape an artist's view of a city, as in a painting, drawing, photograph, or the like. [2 definitions]
city-state a self-governing state made up of a city and its surrounding territory.
civet the civet cat. [3 definitions]
civet cat any of several catlike nocturnal mammals of Africa and southern Asia that have spotted fur and exude a musklike substance. [2 definitions]
civic of or concerning a city; municipal. [2 definitions]
civic responsibility a particular responsibility or duty deemed an important aspect of being a productive and contributing citizen of a community or country. Ideas about what constitutes one's civic responsibilities vary but often include such things as obeying laws, voting in elections, respecting the rights of others, and performing public service.
civics (used with a sing. verb) a branch of political science that deals with the rights and duties of citizens and with civic matters.
civies variant of civvies.
civil of or concerning citizens or the general population. [4 definitions]
civil defense emergency procedures and facilities organized by civilians for the protection of people and property in cases of flood, famine, war, or the like.
civil disobedience the intentional, nonviolent refusal to comply with a government law or requirement, in order to try to influence the government to change some law, policy, or the like.