cliff-hanger |
a closely contested game or event, whose outcome is in doubt until the very end. [2 definitions] |
cliff swallow |
a North American swallow that nests on the faces of cliffs or under the eaves of buildings. |
climacteric |
in physiology, a period in life of changing or decreasing physical capacities, such as menopause. [3 definitions] |
climactic |
pertaining to, reaching, or being a climax. |
climate |
the weather conditions most prevailing in a place, averaged over several years. [3 definitions] |
climate change |
any significant change in Earth's climate capable of causing cataclysmic events such as the mass extinction of species. [2 definitions] |
climate-controlled |
having or providing artificial control of temperature and humidity. |
climatic |
of or pertaining to the weather conditions most prevailing in a place. |
climatological |
of or pertaining to long term weather patterns, or to the discipline of climatology. |
climatology |
the scientific study of long-term patterns of weather conditions; science of climates. |
climax |
the point of highest interest or intensity in a series of increasingly important points or events. [5 definitions] |
climaxless |
combined form of climax. |
climb |
to move upward; go towards the top; ascend. [7 definitions] |
climbable |
combined form of climb. |
climber |
a person or animal that climbs. [4 definitions] |
climb in |
to step upward and get into (a vehicle). |
clime |
in literary use, a region of the earth, or the typical weather conditions thereof. |
clinch |
to make certain or final; secure; settle. [8 definitions] |
clincher |
a decisive or final point, fact, or statement to persuade someone, as in arguing or selling. [3 definitions] |
cling |
to stick or attach closely. [3 definitions] |
clingstone |
having pulp that sticks closely to the stone, as in some peaches. (Cf. freestone.) [2 definitions] |