climaxless |
combined form of climax. |
climb |
to move upward; go towards the top; ascend. [7 definitions] |
climbable |
combined form of climb. |
climber |
a person or animal that climbs. [4 definitions] |
climb in |
to step upward and get into (a vehicle). |
clime |
in literary use, a region of the earth, or the typical weather conditions thereof. |
clinch |
to make certain or final; secure; settle. [8 definitions] |
clincher |
a decisive or final point, fact, or statement to persuade someone, as in arguing or selling. [3 definitions] |
cling |
to stick or attach closely. [3 definitions] |
clingstone |
having pulp that sticks closely to the stone, as in some peaches. (Cf. freestone.) [2 definitions] |
clinic |
a medical facility, esp. for treatment of outpatients. [4 definitions] |
clinical |
of or related to direct observation and treatment of patients, as opposed to theory or laboratory research. [3 definitions] |
clinical thermometer |
a small glass thermometer used to measure body temperature. |
clinician |
a doctor who studies or practices medicine by direct observation and treatment, as opposed to theory or laboratory research. |
clink |
to make or cause to make a short, sharp, ringing sound. [2 definitions] |
clinker1 |
a hard stonelike chunk left from the burning of coal. [2 definitions] |
clinker2 |
(slang) any error, esp. a misplayed note in a musical performance. [2 definitions] |
clinometer |
an instrument used to measure the angle of an incline. |
Clio |
in Greek mythology, the Muse of history. [2 definitions] |
cliometrics |
(used with a sing. verb) the application of advanced mathematical concepts and techniques to the study of history, as for analyzing cycles. |
clip1 |
to cut off, cut out, or trim, as by scissors or trimmers. [11 definitions] |