clinker2 |
(slang) any error, esp. a misplayed note in a musical performance. [2 definitions] |
clinometer |
an instrument used to measure the angle of an incline. |
Clio |
in Greek mythology, the Muse of history. [2 definitions] |
cliometrics |
(used with a sing. verb) the application of advanced mathematical concepts and techniques to the study of history, as for analyzing cycles. |
clip1 |
to cut off, cut out, or trim, as by scissors or trimmers. [11 definitions] |
clip2 |
a device that holds, grasps, or fastens, as a paper clip or hair clip. [5 definitions] |
clipboard |
a small board with a spring clip at the top for holding papers, used as a portable writing surface. |
clip-fed |
of certain repeating firearms, loaded automatically from a cartridge clip. |
clip joint |
(slang) a business, esp. a place of entertainment, that charges excessive prices. |
clipped |
of speech, rapidly articulated so as to omit certain sounds. |
clipped form |
a shortened form of a word, such as "ad" for "advertisement." |
clipper |
(often pl.) a tool for clipping. [3 definitions] |
clipping |
a piece clipped off or from. [2 definitions] |
clipsheet |
a sheet of paper containing news articles, features, or releases, printed on one side for easy clipping and reprinting. |
clique |
a small, often aggressively exclusive group of friends or associates. [2 definitions] |
clitoris |
a small, sensitive erectile organ of the female genitals, somewhat corresponding to the penis in the male. |
cloaca |
a sewer or cesspool. [3 definitions] |
cloak |
a long, loose outer garment that drapes around one's shoulders and has no sleeves. [3 definitions] |
cloak-and-dagger |
involving espionage, esp. viewed as being overly dramatic. |
cloakroom |
a room in a school, club, theater, or the like where coats, hats, and other outdoor clothing may be temporarily left. |
clobber |
(informal) to strike hard; beat severely. [2 definitions] |