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coactive combined form of active.
coactor combined form of actor.
coadjutor an assistant, esp. the principal assistant of a bishop.
coadministration combined form of administration.
coagulant a substance that causes fluid to thicken; agent of coagulation.
coagulate to cause (a liquid) to thicken into a semisolid mass. [2 definitions]
coal a hard black or dark brown substance found in the earth and burned as fuel. [3 definitions]
coaler a ship or freight train used to haul coal.
coalesce to grow together or unite to form a single body or organization; unify; fuse. [2 definitions]
coal gas a gas used for lighting and heating that is produced by the distillation of bituminous coal. [2 definitions]
coalition an alliance, esp. a temporary one, of various factions, parties, or nations. [2 definitions]
coal measures coal-bearing strata; coal beds. [2 definitions]
coal mining the industry, act, or process of digging coal out of the earth.
coal oil any fuel oil produced by distillation of bituminous coal.
coal tar a thick black liquid formed by the distillation of bituminous coal, used as a raw material in the creation of dyes, drugs, plastics, and paints.
coaming a raised border around an opening in a roof, floor, or deck, designed to keep out water.
coanchor combined form of anchor.
coarse of poor or faulty quality. [3 definitions]
coarse-grained having a rough or coarse texture. [2 definitions]
coarsen to become or cause to be coarse.
coast the land or area next to the ocean; seashore. [7 definitions]