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coastal of, relating to, at, or near a coast.
coaster a person or thing that coasts. [4 definitions]
coaster brake a brake on freewheeling bicycles operated by reverse pressure on the pedals.
coast guard (cap.) a U.S. military service that enforces maritime, customs, and immigration laws, aids vessels in distress, discourages smugglers, and defends the nation's coasts. [2 definitions]
coasting vessel a ship that sails along a coast and participates in trade between neighboring ports.
coastland land along the shore or coast of a sea.
coastline the outline or shape of a coast.
coastward toward the coast. [2 definitions]
coastwise along or following a coast.
coat an outer article of clothing with long sleeves, usu. worn for added warmth. [5 definitions]
coated covered with a layer or coat.
coat hanger a piece of wire or other material shaped for hanging a piece of clothing and suspending it, as from a rod or hook.
coati a small tree-dwelling mammal, related to the raccoon, with a flexible snout and long ringed tail, found in Mexico and Central and South America.
coatimundi the coati.
coating a coat or layer that covers the surface of something.
coatless combined form of coat.
coat of arms the insignia, esp. of a family, showing emblems and figures arranged on and around a shield.
coat of mail a protective garment made of interlinked rings or overlapping plates of metal, worn in the Middle Ages.
coatrack a rack or stand fitted with pegs or hooks used for the storage of garments, esp. coats and hats.
coattail the loose back part of a coat below the waist, esp. either half of this part when divided by a vent, as in a cutaway.
coauthor one of two or more authors of a single written work. [2 definitions]