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cocked hat a man's hat with a wide brim turned up in two or three flaps toward a pointed crown.
cockerel a young domestic rooster.
cocker spaniel a small spaniel characterized by a compact body, short legs, a soft wavy coat, and long drooping ears.
cockeye an eye that crosses or squints, usu. involuntarily as the result of a muscular disorder.
cockeyed cross-eyed or having one squinting eye. [2 definitions]
cockfight a fight, often to the death, between two roosters bred for fighting and often equipped with metal spurs.
cockhorse a rocking horse or hobby-horse.
cockle any of a number of round or heart-shaped, often edible, mollusks with two hinged shells. [5 definitions]
cocklebur a coarse composite plant with rough, prickly burs, usu. considered a weed. [2 definitions]
cockleshell the ribbed shell of a cockle or related mollusk.
cockles of one's heart one's most sincere and deeply held feelings.
cockney (often cap.) someone who was raised in London's East End. [3 definitions]
cockneyism an idiom, expression, pronunciation, or quality that is characteristic of cockneys.
cock of the walk one who dominates a group, esp. in an arrogant or overbearing manner.
cockpit an enclosed area from which the pilot and crew control an airplane. [3 definitions]
cockroach any of a large group of flat-bodied, nocturnal insects related to the grasshopper, some of which infest homes and other buildings.
cockscomb any of several common garden plants with brightly colored spiky flowers. [3 definitions]
cocksucker (vulgar slang) a low, contemptible person. [2 definitions]
cocksure absolutely sure; having perfect confidence. [2 definitions]
cockswain variant of coxswain.
cocktail1 an alcoholic beverage mixed from one or more liquors along with juice, soda, or the like, often served cold. [5 definitions]