cockney |
(often cap.) someone who was raised in London's East End. [3 definitions] |
cockneyism |
an idiom, expression, pronunciation, or quality that is characteristic of cockneys. |
cock of the walk |
one who dominates a group, esp. in an arrogant or overbearing manner. |
cockpit |
an enclosed area from which the pilot and crew control an airplane. [3 definitions] |
cockroach |
any of a large group of flat-bodied, nocturnal insects related to the grasshopper, some of which infest homes and other buildings. |
cockscomb |
any of several common garden plants with brightly colored spiky flowers. [3 definitions] |
cocksucker |
(vulgar slang) a low, contemptible person. [2 definitions] |
cocksure |
absolutely sure; having perfect confidence. [2 definitions] |
cockswain |
variant of coxswain. |
cocktail1 |
an alcoholic beverage mixed from one or more liquors along with juice, soda, or the like, often served cold. [5 definitions] |
cocktail2 |
a horse whose tail has been clipped short. [2 definitions] |
cocktail lounge |
a room or seating area, usu. in a hotel or restaurant, in which alcoholic drinks are served. |
cocktail table |
a low table, usu. placed in living rooms within easy reach of surrounding seats, on which drinks and refreshments can be set; coffee table. |
cocky |
arrogantly self-confident. |
coco |
the coconut tree. [2 definitions] |
cocoa |
a powder made by roasting and grinding the seeds of the cacao tree and removing most of their fatty oil. [3 definitions] |
cocoa butter |
a yellowish white fat derived from cacao seeds that is used in cosmetics, soaps, pharmaceuticals, and confections. |
cocomposer |
combined form of composer. |
co-conspirator |
one who joins another or others in a plot or conspiracy. |
coconut |
a tropical palm tree that bears large edible seeds; coconut tree; coconut palm. [3 definitions] |
coconut oil |
a white oil obtained from dried coconut meat, used in cooking and in the manufacture of soaps, cosmetics, candles, and the like. |