coeternal |
combined form of eternal. |
coeval |
coinciding in time of origin or existence; contemporary. [2 definitions] |
coevolution |
a process in which two or more interacting species influence each other's evolution, as in the case of pollinators and flowers. |
coevolutionary |
of, pertaining to, or produced by coevolution. |
coexecutor |
one who serves as a joint executor. |
coexist |
to exist together at the same time or place. [2 definitions] |
coexistence |
the act or condition of coexisting, esp. in a peaceful manner despite differences in values, customs, political systems, and the like. |
coextend |
to extend equally through space or time. |
coextensive |
coinciding in time, location, or range. |
cofactor |
in biochemistry, an ion or small organic compound necessary to the function of an enzyme. |
cofavorite |
combined form of favorite. |
coffee |
a tropical plant that produces beans used to make a dark brown drink. [2 definitions] |
coffee break |
a short rest from work, usu. in mid-morning or mid-afternoon, for coffee or other refreshments. |
coffeecake |
a sweet, breadlike cake, often containing nuts or raisins and served with coffee. |
coffeehouse |
a small, informal restaurant that specializes in coffee and light meals, and to which its patrons often come to socialize, listen to music, read, or the like; café. |
coffee klatsch |
an informal social gathering at which coffee is served. |
coffeepot |
a vessel or device for making and serving coffee. |
coffee shop |
a small restaurant that serves coffee, snacks, and light meals. |
coffee table |
a long low table, usu. placed in front of a sofa. |
coffer |
a large chest, esp. one used to hold money, jewels, or the like; strongbox. [3 definitions] |
cofferdam |
a temporary, watertight structure, built to permit construction under water or in wet soil. |