cognate |
descended from a common ancestor. [4 definitions] |
cognition |
the mental acts or processes by which knowledge is acquired or processed. [2 definitions] |
cognitive |
of, pertaining to, or involving the use of the mind for acquiring knowledge and processing thought. |
cognizable |
capable of being perceived or known. [2 definitions] |
cognizance |
perception or acknowledgment of fact. [2 definitions] |
cognizant |
aware; informed (usu. fol. by "of"). |
cognomen |
a last name; surname. [2 definitions] |
cognoscente |
someone who has exceptional knowledge in a given area, esp. of fashion, literature, or the fine arts; connoisseur. |
cogwheel |
a toothed wheel; gearwheel. |
cohabit |
to live together in an intimate relationship, esp. outside of marriage. |
cohead |
combined form of head. |
coheir |
a person who shares an inheritance with another or others. |
coheiress |
combined form of heiress. |
cohere |
to lump, hold, or stick together. [2 definitions] |
coherence |
the quality or condition or having a clear, logical structure or of being understandable. [2 definitions] |
coherent |
lumping, holding, or sticking together. [2 definitions] |
cohesion |
the act, process, or state of cohering. |
cohesionless |
combined form of cohesion. |
cohesive |
sticking together; closely united; cohering. [2 definitions] |
coho |
a small ocean salmon, now often introduced into fresh water as a game fish; coho salmon; silver salmon. |
coholder |
combined form of holder. |