coheir |
a person who shares an inheritance with another or others. |
coheiress |
combined form of heiress. |
cohere |
to lump, hold, or stick together. [2 definitions] |
coherence |
the quality or condition or having a clear, logical structure or of being understandable. [2 definitions] |
coherent |
lumping, holding, or sticking together. [2 definitions] |
cohesion |
the act, process, or state of cohering. |
cohesionless |
combined form of cohesion. |
cohesive |
sticking together; closely united; cohering. [2 definitions] |
coho |
a small ocean salmon, now often introduced into fresh water as a game fish; coho salmon; silver salmon. |
coholder |
combined form of holder. |
cohort |
(often derogatory) a friend or associate. [3 definitions] |
cohosh |
a common name for several unrelated plants, including Cimicifuga racemosa (black cohosh) of the buttercup family and Caulophyllum thalictroides (blue cohosh) of the barberry family, both used medicinally. |
cohostess |
combined form of hostess. |
coif |
any of a variety of close-fitting caps, such as those worn by nuns under their veils. [4 definitions] |
coiffeur |
(French) a man who styles hair. |
coiffure |
any styling or arrangement of the hair; hairdo. [2 definitions] |
coign of vantage |
an especially good position for observation or action. |
coil1 |
to wind into loops or a spiral. [8 definitions] |
coil2 |
a tumult, confusion, or disturbance. |
coin |
a small, flat, and often circular piece of metal used as money. [5 definitions] |
coinage |
the act, process, or authority of making coins. [4 definitions] |