coleader |
combined form of leader. |
coleopteran |
of or concerning beetles or weevils. [2 definitions] |
coleslaw |
a salad made of shredded cabbage, often with a mayonnaise dressing. |
coleus |
any of various African or Eurasian plants of the mint family, grown for their attractive multicolored leaves. |
colewort |
see "cole." [2 definitions] |
colic |
acute abdominal pain, esp. that in infants, caused by intestinal gas. |
coliform |
of, pertaining to, or resembling the coliform bacillus. |
coliform bacillus |
any of several bacilli normally found in human and animal colons, the count of which in water is used to determine the presence or extent of fecal pollution. |
coliseum |
a large building or amphitheater used for entertainment events, sports, or the like. |
colitis |
inflammation of the large intestine. |
Coll. |
abbreviation of "College," a school or institution of higher learning, usu. providing education in general studies or liberal arts (used in a proper name). |
collaborate |
to cooperate or work with someone else, esp. on an artistic or intellectual project. [2 definitions] |
collaboration |
a cooperative effort by which people or organizations work together to accomplish a common project or mission. [2 definitions] |
collaborationist |
one who willingly gives aid to an invading or occupying enemy force. |
collaborative |
characterized by or resulting from collaboration. |
collage |
a type of visual art work in which diverse and often seemingly incongruous materials, such as photographs, buttons, hair, and the like, are pasted upon a surface, often with added marks or writing. |
collagen |
a fibrous protein in bone, cartilage, and other connective tissue. |
collapsar |
a collapsed star that has become a black hole. |
collapse |
to fall down; give way; cave in. [7 definitions] |
collapsible |
able to collapse or be collapsed, esp. for ease in carrying, storing, or the like. |
collar |
the portion of a garment that goes around the neck and is sometimes folded over. [7 definitions] |