come clean |
(informal) to admit the truth. |
Comecon |
an international trade association of communist nations (acronym for "Council for Mutual Economic Assistance"). |
comedian |
a professional entertainer who specializes in telling jokes, acting in humorous skits, and the like. [3 definitions] |
comedienne |
a female entertainer who specializes in humor. [2 definitions] |
comedo |
a blockage of dirt and secretions in a skin duct; blackhead. |
comedown |
a humiliating decline or descent from a former status. [2 definitions] |
come down |
to move to a lower place or position, esp. to the ground or to a lower floor. [9 definitions] |
come down on |
to scold or criticize. |
come down to |
of a thing, to have (something) as its central cause, fundamental essence, or core significance. [2 definitions] |
come down with |
to become ill with (a cold, influenza, or some other illness). |
comedy |
a light, amusing work of theater, film, or literature. [4 definitions] |
comedy of manners |
a comedy that satirizes the customs and manners of fashionable society. |
come forward |
to present oneself to the police or other authority and offer evidence, or to offer oneself as a volunteer for a task. |
come from |
to have (a particular place) as one's first home or place of birth. [2 definitions] |
come-hither |
inviting or alluring, esp. in a sexually seductive manner. |
come home to roost |
of an action or actions, to return or rebound against the doer; boomerang. |
come in |
to enter a room or a building. [4 definitions] |
come into being |
to begin existence. |
comely |
pleasing in appearance. [2 definitions] |
comember |
combined form of member. |
come off |
to become detached, removed, or cleaned away from a surface. [6 definitions] |