comp1 |
to play an accompaniment to jazz music, as on a piano or guitar, often of syncopated chords. |
comp2 |
(informal) a comprehensive examination, as at the end of an academic year, covering all work included in a course during that period of time. |
comp. |
abbreviation of "compensation." [3 definitions] |
compact1 |
solidly joined or packed together; dense. [9 definitions] |
compact2 |
an agreement or contract; pact. |
compact cassette |
a type of magnetic-tape cartridge, first released in 1963, that is used for audio recording and playback. |
compact disk |
a palm-sized disk on which music, data, or the like has been digitally encoded, that is read by laser and transmitted to a playback device. |
compactor |
a machine that compresses or grinds up trash for easy disposal. |
compadre |
a close friend, companion, or partner; buddy. |
companion |
one who associates with another or others. [3 definitions] |
companionable |
having friendly qualities; congenial. |
companionate |
of, by, or like companions. |
companionship |
the relationship existing between or among companions. |
companionway |
a stairway or ladder leading from one deck of a ship to another. |
company |
a business firm. [7 definitions] |
company store |
a retail store operated as a monopoly by the same company that employs the local work force. |
comparable |
able to be compared due to having a certain amount of commonality; deserving comparison. [2 definitions] |
comparative |
of or involving comparison. [5 definitions] |
comparative literature |
the comparative study of various national literatures to identify common characteristics, mutual influences, common sources, or the like. |
comparatively |
when compared with another or others; by comparison; relatively. |
compare |
to note the likenesses and differences of. [5 definitions] |