comparison |
the process or result of comparing or of being compared. [2 definitions] |
compartment |
a part sectioned off from a larger whole. [3 definitions] |
compartmentalize |
to divide or separate into compartments or categories. |
compass |
an instrument for determining direction, esp. one with a horizontal magnetic needle that rotates freely until it points to the magnetic north. [9 definitions] |
compassable |
combined form of compass. |
compass card |
a round card showing the points of the compass and degrees of a circle that is fitted within a compass case. |
compassion |
a feeling of sharing another's suffering, prompting a desire to relieve that suffering; commiseration; clemency. |
compassionate |
filled with compassion; consoling; sympathetic. |
compassionless |
combined form of compassion. |
compatible |
able to exist or function harmoniously with another. [2 definitions] |
compatriot |
a fellow citizen. [2 definitions] |
compeer |
one recognized as an equal; peer. [2 definitions] |
compel |
to force or drive to some action or attitude; pressure. [3 definitions] |
compelling |
exerting a strong hold on the attention. [2 definitions] |
compendious |
briefly summarizing or abstracting all the essentials; concise but complete. |
compendium |
an abridgement, summary, or abstract. [2 definitions] |
compensable |
entitled or subject to compensation. |
compensate |
to provide with or serve as an equivalent; make up for (often fol. by "for"). [4 definitions] |
compensation |
the act of compensating, or the condition of being compensated. [2 definitions] |
compensatory |
providing compensation, as for injury or loss. |
compete |
to contend against others to win a desired goal or achieve a desired result. [2 definitions] |