con amore |
lovingly or tenderly (used as a musical direction). [2 definitions] |
con brio |
with vigorous energy and spirit; vivaciously (used as a musical direction). |
concatenate |
to link in a series or chain. [2 definitions] |
concave |
curved inward like the interior of a sphere. (Cf. convex.) [3 definitions] |
concavity |
the condition or quality of being concave. [2 definitions] |
concavo-concave |
having both sides concave. |
concavo-convex |
concave on one side and convex on the other. [2 definitions] |
conceal |
to hide or keep hidden from sight. [2 definitions] |
concealable |
combined form of conceal. |
concealment |
the act of hiding something from sight, or the condition of being hidden from sight. [2 definitions] |
concede |
to acknowledge the truth, justice, or propriety of; admit. [3 definitions] |
conceit |
an exaggerated opinion of oneself; vanity. [3 definitions] |
conceited |
having an exaggerated opinion of oneself; vain. |
conceivable |
capable of being intellectually conceived; thinkable. |
conceive |
to give shape to in the mind. [6 definitions] |
concelebrate |
of two or more priests, to celebrate (Mass) together. |
concenter |
to bring, direct, or come to a common center; converge. |
concentrate |
to draw together to a center; focus. [6 definitions] |
concentrated |
intensely focused. [3 definitions] |
concentration |
the act or process of concentrating, or the state of being concentrated. [5 definitions] |
concentration camp |
a prison camp in which large numbers of political prisoners, aliens, or those considered undesirable are confined and sometimes executed. |