concertmaster |
the leader of the first violins of an orchestra, and usu. the assistant conductor. |
concerto |
a musical composition for one or more solo instruments accompanied by an orchestra. |
concession |
an act or instance of conceding, such as the granting of a right or privilege or the admitting of a point in an argument. [4 definitions] |
concessionaire |
one who has been granted or operates a concession. |
concessionary |
of, pertaining to, or in the nature of a concession. [2 definitions] |
concessive |
serving to concede. [2 definitions] |
conch |
any of various large tropical mollusks having spiral shells. [2 definitions] |
conchiferous |
having a shell, as snails. |
conchology |
the scientific study of mollusk shells. |
concierge |
a person who serves as doorkeeper and janitor for an apartment building, esp. in France. |
conciliar |
of, from, or pertaining to a council, esp. an ecclesiastical council. |
conciliate |
to overcome the anger, distrust, or animosity of; appease; placate. [3 definitions] |
conciliatory |
tending to placate or reconcile. |
concinnity |
a harmonious or skillful arrangement of parts, as in writing or rhetoric. |
concise |
short and to the point; saying much in a few words. |
conclave |
a secret, private, or confidential meeting or gathering. [3 definitions] |
conclude |
to bring to an end; finish or complete. [4 definitions] |
conclusion |
an ending or termination. [5 definitions] |
conclusive |
serving to reach a final answer or decision, or to settle. |
concoct |
to make by putting together a number of parts or ingredients. [2 definitions] |
concoction |
something concocted, esp. a mixture of liquids. [2 definitions] |