concurrent resolution |
a resolution passed by both houses of a bicameral legislative body that is not legally binding and does not require the chief executive's signature. |
concuss |
to cause injury to by concussion. |
concussion |
a violent shaking or heavy blow; shock. [2 definitions] |
condemn |
to express extreme disapproval of; declare to be wrong, inadequate, or evil. [5 definitions] |
condemnable |
combined form of condemn. |
condemnation |
the act of condemning or the state of being condemned. [4 definitions] |
condensate |
the liquid that results from condensation of a gas. |
condensation |
the act or process of condensing. [3 definitions] |
condense |
to make smaller, denser, or more compact; compress; concentrate. [5 definitions] |
condensed milk |
whole milk thickened by evaporating some of the water and generally sweetened by adding sugar. |
condenser |
one that condenses. [4 definitions] |
condescend |
to agree to descend to a level less dignified or less privileged than one's own; deign. [2 definitions] |
condescending |
displaying a belief that one is superior, due to having greater intelligence, being of a higher class, having greater importance, or the like. |
condescension |
the act or an instance of condescending. [2 definitions] |
condign |
well-deserved or fitting, esp. of punishment or reprimand. |
condiment |
something used to flavor or season food, such as ketchup or relish. |
condition |
a specific state of being or existence. [9 definitions] |
conditionable |
combined form of condition. |
conditional |
depending on or imposing a certain condition or conditions. [2 definitions] |
conditioned |
dependent on or existing under a certain condition or conditions. [3 definitions] |
conditioned reflex |
see "conditioned response." |