cone |
in geometry, a three-dimensional shape created by rotating a right triangle 360 degrees on its vertical axis. [5 definitions] |
coneflower |
any a various plants, esp. of the genus Echinacea, having cone-shaped flowers. |
cone shell |
any of several tropical marine snails, most of which have a venomous bite. |
Conestoga wagon |
a large heavy covered wagon with broad wheels, used by early U.S. pioneers to haul their freight and household goods. |
coney |
any of various Atlantic fishes related to the sea bass and grouper. [2 definitions] |
confab |
(informal) a confabulation; chat. [2 definitions] |
confabulate |
to talk informally or casually; chat. [2 definitions] |
confabulation |
the act or an instance of chatting casually. [2 definitions] |
confect |
to make up, put together, or manufacture by combining materials or ingredients. [2 definitions] |
confection |
a sweetened candy or fruit. [2 definitions] |
confectionary |
a candy shop; confectionery. [3 definitions] |
confectioner |
a person who makes or sells confections or candies. |
confectioners' sugar |
very finely powdered sugar with cornstarch added to prevent caking, used in making baked goods, candies, and the like. |
confectionery |
confections or candies collectively. [3 definitions] |
confederacy |
an alliance or union of persons, groups, states, or nations. [3 definitions] |
confederate |
joined or united in a confederacy; allied. [6 definitions] |
confederation |
the act or process of confederating or allying. [3 definitions] |
confer |
to award or bestow. [2 definitions] |
conferee |
one who participates in a conference. [2 definitions] |
conference |
an organized meeting of persons with common interests, esp. professional interests, for the purpose of sharing information and opinions. [3 definitions] |
conference call |
a telephone conversation or discussion in which three or more people participate at the same time. |