confounded |
confused; bewildered; befuddled. [2 definitions] |
confraternity |
a lay brotherhood that pursues religious or charitable goals. [2 definitions] |
confrere |
a fellow member of a profession, fraternity, or the like. |
confront |
to meet or face without evasion or avoidance. [3 definitions] |
confrontation |
the act of confronting, or the state of being confronted by another. [2 definitions] |
Confucianism |
the ethical teachings of Confucius, which emphasize reverence for ancestors, devotion to family and friends, cultivation and discipline of the mind, and social responsibility. |
Confucius |
a Chinese philosopher whose ethical teachings were introduced into Chinese religion; K'ung Fu-tzu (551?-479? B.C.). |
confuse |
to combine in a disordered, unclear way; fail to distinguish between or among. [3 definitions] |
confused |
having difficulty perceiving or understanding because of conflicting or otherwise incomprehensible information; perplexed; puzzled. |
confusing |
consisting of conflicting facts or incomprehensible information and thereby causing perplexity or misunderstanding; bewildering; misleading. |
confusion |
the act of confusing or state of being confused. [4 definitions] |
confute |
to refute or prove incorrect; disprove. |
conga |
a Latin American dance performed by a group that forms a long line in single file behind a leader. [4 definitions] |
con game |
shortened form of "confidence game," a swindle made possible by first gaining the confidence of the victim. |
congé |
a farewell or departure. [4 definitions] |
congeal |
of a fluid or soft substance, to thicken or make solid, esp. by cooling or freezing. [2 definitions] |
congener |
one of the same kind as another. [2 definitions] |
congenial |
suited to or compatible with one's tastes or character, and therefore pleasing. [2 definitions] |
congenital |
existing from birth, but usu. not hereditary. [2 definitions] |
conger |
any of various large sea eels; conger eel. |
congeries |
(used with a sing. or pl. verb) a collection of various things or ideas. |