congress |
a formal assembly or meeting of representatives from various nations, states, or other organizations. [7 definitions] |
congressional |
(sometimes cap.) of or pertaining to a legislative congress, esp. the U.S. Congress. |
Congressional Black Caucus |
an organization composed of African-American members of the U.S. Congress, formed in 1971 to address legislative matters of concern to African Americans and other minority voters. |
Congressional district |
in U.S. government, any of a state's districts that elect one representative to the national House of Representatives of Congress. |
congressman |
(often cap.) a male member of the U.S. House of Representatives. |
congresswoman |
(often cap.) a female member of the U.S. House of Representatives. |
congruence |
the state of being congruent; agreement. |
congruent |
in a state of agreement or correspondence. [2 definitions] |
congruity |
the state or fact of being congruous or geometrically congruent. [2 definitions] |
congruous |
similar in character or degree; fitting. |
conic |
of or pertaining to a cone. [2 definitions] |
conic section |
in geometry, a curve, such as an ellipse, hyperbola, or parabola, created by the intersection of a plane and a right circular cone. |
conidium |
in fungi, an asexual spore formed at the tip of a specialized structure. |
conifer |
any of several evergreen trees, such as pines or firs, that bear cones. |
coniferous |
bearing cones, or pertaining to plants that do so. |
con into |
to persuade (someone) to do something through trickery. |
conj. |
abbreviation of "conjunction." |
conjectural |
involving or based on conjecture. [2 definitions] |
conjecture |
the making of a guess or inference, esp. with little evidence. [4 definitions] |
conjoin |
to combine for a common purpose. |
conjoint |
joined together; united; associated. [2 definitions] |