conifer |
any of several evergreen trees, such as pines or firs, that bear cones. |
coniferous |
bearing cones, or pertaining to plants that do so. |
con into |
to persuade (someone) to do something through trickery. |
conj. |
abbreviation of "conjunction." |
conjectural |
involving or based on conjecture. [2 definitions] |
conjecture |
the making of a guess or inference, esp. with little evidence. [4 definitions] |
conjoin |
to combine for a common purpose. |
conjoint |
joined together; united; associated. [2 definitions] |
conjugal |
of or relating to marriage or the relationship between wife and husband. |
conjugate |
in grammar, to list systematically the inflected forms of (a verb). [5 definitions] |
conjugation |
in grammar, the process of listing systematically the inflected forms of a verb. [4 definitions] |
conjunct |
combined together; united. |
conjunction |
in grammar, a word such as "and," "while," or "because" that connects words, phrases, clauses, or sentences. [4 definitions] |
conjunctiva |
the mucous membrane lining the inner surface of the eyelid and the surface of the eyeball. |
conjunctive |
that connects or joins; connective. [4 definitions] |
conjunctivitis |
inflammation of the conjunctiva. |
conjuncture |
a combination of events or circumstances, esp. one producing a crisis. [2 definitions] |
conjuration |
the act or an instance of conjuring; incantation. [2 definitions] |
conjure |
to do or produce by or as if by magic or sleight of hand. [4 definitions] |
conjurer |
one who conjures; magician; sorcerer. |
conjure up |
to produce in the mind; evoke. |