consideration |
careful attention or thought. [3 definitions] |
considered |
arrived at after careful thought. [2 definitions] |
considering |
in view of; taking into account. [2 definitions] |
consign |
to deliver, transfer, or turn over to another. [4 definitions] |
consignable |
combined form of consign. |
consignment |
something consigned, esp. goods consigned to an agent for sale. [2 definitions] |
consist |
to be composed or formed (usu. fol. by "of"). [2 definitions] |
consistency |
agreement or compatibility between or among constituent elements. [3 definitions] |
consistent |
steadily conforming to a regular style or pattern; not varying. [2 definitions] |
consistently |
in a consistent manner; in accordance with the established pattern. |
consistory |
an assembly of a governing council, esp. of a church or religious sect. [2 definitions] |
consolation |
an act or instance of consoling. [3 definitions] |
consolation prize |
a prize given to a loser or runner-up in a competition, as a means of consoling. |
console1 |
to give comfort in time of loss, defeat, or suffering; relieve grief or disappointment; give solace to. |
console2 |
a cabinet or panel containing the controls for an electrical or mechanical apparatus. [3 definitions] |
console table |
a narrow waist-high table often placed against a wall, the facing legs of which have ornamental brackets. |
consolidate |
to combine into a whole or mass; unify. [3 definitions] |
consolidation |
the act or an instance of consolidating, or the condition of being consolidated. [2 definitions] |
consommé |
a clear broth made from meat or occasionally vegetables. |
consonance |
agreement, correspondence, or harmony. [3 definitions] |
consonant |
a sound in a language made by constricting or diverting the flow of air through the mouth using the tongue, teeth, lips, or other speech organs. The sounds represented by the letters "d," "k," "b," "s," and "m" are examples of consonants in English. [6 definitions] |