contd. |
abbreviation of "continued." |
conté |
a hard crayon of clay and graphite, usu. of a dark color such as brown or black. |
contemn |
to view or treat with contempt; despise; loathe. |
contemplate |
to look at long and thoughtfully. [4 definitions] |
contemplation |
thoughtful reflection or examination; act of contemplating. [2 definitions] |
contemplative |
characterized by or given to contemplation; meditative; thoughtful. [2 definitions] |
contemporaneous |
starting, existing, or occurring at the same, or roughly the same, time. |
contemporary |
existing in, relating to, or belonging to the same period of time. [4 definitions] |
contempt |
the feeling or expression of angry disgust, as at something wicked or unworthy; scorn. [3 definitions] |
contemptible |
deserving of or viewed with contempt; disgraceful; dishonorable. |
contemptuous |
feeling or expressing contempt; scornful. |
contend |
to strive against difficulties or opposition (usu. fol. by "with"). [4 definitions] |
contender |
a person who competes with other people to try to win something, such as a prize or a position. |
content1 |
(usu. pl.) whatever is contained or held in a receptacle, container, or something seen as a container. [6 definitions] |
content2 |
wanting no more than what one has; satisfied (often fol. by "with"). [3 definitions] |
contented |
satisfied with existing conditions; content. |
contention |
a struggle between or among people or ideas; strife; argument. [3 definitions] |
contentious |
inclined to argue; quarrelsome; belligerent. [2 definitions] |
contentment |
the state of being content or satisfied. |
contents |
things that are inside something. |
conterminous |
having a common boundary, such that each ends where the other begins. [2 definitions] |