contents |
things that are inside something. |
conterminous |
having a common boundary, such that each ends where the other begins. [2 definitions] |
contessa |
(Italian) countess. |
contest |
a struggle for superiority or victory. [5 definitions] |
contestable |
combined form of contest. |
contestant |
one who participates in a contest; competitor. [2 definitions] |
context |
the setting or situation surrounding a thing which can determine or contribute to its interpretation, esp. the language surrounding a particular usage of a word, phrase, or sentence, or the situation in which a piece of language is used. [3 definitions] |
contextless |
combined form of context. |
contextual |
of, belonging to, or depending on a context. |
contextualize |
to put into a context, or provide a context for. |
contiguity |
the state of being contiguous; nearness; proximity. [2 definitions] |
contiguous |
in contact; touching; adjoining. [2 definitions] |
continence |
moderation or self-restraint, esp. in sexual activity. [2 definitions] |
continent |
one of the earth's major land masses, such as North America, Australia, or Antarctica. [3 definitions] |
continental |
of or pertaining to a continent. [6 definitions] |
continental breakfast |
a light breakfast, usu. consisting of rolls or pastries and coffee or tea, like that eaten in most European countries. |
Continental Congress |
the revolutionary assembly, made up of landed representatives of the American colonies, that met between 1774 and 1789 to work out a plan of government and adopted both the Declaration of Independence and the Articles of Confederation. |
continental divide |
an extensive ridge of mountains on a continent that separates river systems flowing in opposite directions. |
continental drift |
the theory that the earth's continents shift their positions because of currents in the molten magma of the earth's mantle. |
continental shelf |
the submerged rim of a continent, from which descent to the ocean floor is usu. precipitous. |
contingency |
a future event that is possible but not likely. [3 definitions] |