continual |
occurring without interruption or breaks; unceasing. [2 definitions] |
continuance |
the act of continuing; continuation. [4 definitions] |
continuation |
the act of continuing. [4 definitions] |
continue |
to go on; persist. [7 definitions] |
continued |
kept up; maintained. |
continuing |
still going on or happening; not over. |
continuity |
the quality or state of being continuous. [2 definitions] |
continuo |
a continuous bass accompaniment on a keyboard instrument, used esp. in baroque music. |
continuous |
extending or enduring without pausing or stopping; unceasing; unbroken. |
continuous body |
a legislative body, such as the U.S. Senate, that achieves stability by staggering the terms of its members to prevent more than a minority of seats from changing in a single election. |
continuum |
a continuous extent or whole, the parts of which cannot be separately perceived. [2 definitions] |
contort |
to twist into an unusual or unnatural shape. [2 definitions] |
contortion |
the act of contorting or process of being contorted. [3 definitions] |
contortionist |
an acrobat who can twist his or her arms, legs, and body into unusual positions. |
contour |
the outline of a surface, form, or figure; shape. [7 definitions] |
contour map |
a map that shows elevation and land configuration with contour lines. |
contra |
a member of a Nicaraguan counterrevolutionary group of the 1980s. |
contra- |
opposite; against. [2 definitions] |
contraband |
goods banned by law from being imported or exported. [5 definitions] |
contraband of war |
war materials, such as weapons and ammunition, that may be confiscated by either side when transported to the other from a neutral government. |
contrabass |
the largest and deepest-toned instrument of the violin family; double bass; bass viol. [4 definitions] |