contractile |
able to contract or cause contraction. |
contraction |
an act of contracting. [3 definitions] |
contractor |
one who agrees by contract to do specified work at a certain price and to supply all necessary materials. [2 definitions] |
contractual |
of, relating to, or specified in a contract. |
contra dance |
a folk dance, similar to the quadrille, in which dancers often form lines and face each other. [2 definitions] |
contradict |
to assert the opposite of; deny the truth of. [4 definitions] |
contradictable |
combined form of contradict. |
contradiction |
the act of contradicting, or the state of being in denial of or in complete disagreement with something else. [4 definitions] |
contradictory |
involving, containing, or being a contradiction; inconsistent; contrary. [3 definitions] |
contradistinction |
distinction by contrast or difference. |
contrail |
a visible trail of moisture condensed into water drops or ice crystals, formed in the wake of a high-flying plane or rocket; vapor trail. |
contraindicate |
in medicine, to indicate that (a particular medicine or treatment) should not be used. |
contraindication |
in medicine, a factor or condition that makes it inadvisable to carry out a particular treatment or procedure. |
contralateral |
in anatomy, pertaining to or coordinated with the opposite side of the body. |
contralto |
the lowest female singing voice, between alto and tenor. [3 definitions] |
contraption |
(informal) a mechanical device, sometimes of odd design or construction; gadget. |
contrapuntal |
of, relating to, or having two or more diverse but harmonious melodies that are played at the same time; of counterpoint. |
contrariety |
the quality or condition of being contrary. [2 definitions] |
contrariwise |
in the opposite way or direction. [2 definitions] |
contrary |
totally different; opposite. [6 definitions] |
contrast |
to compare (two people or things) in order to make their differences clear. [7 definitions] |