contravene |
to conflict with; act against; oppose; violate. [2 definitions] |
contretemps |
an embarrassing or unfortunate happening; mishap; mischance. |
contribute |
to give (something) individually or with others to a common fund or collective effort (often fol. by "to"). [5 definitions] |
contribution |
the act of contributing. [2 definitions] |
contributor |
one that contributes individually or with others to a common fund or collective effort. [3 definitions] |
contributory |
of or relating to contribution. [2 definitions] |
contrite |
feeling deep guilt for one's wrongdoing or shortcoming and desiring to make amends for it; remorseful; repentant. [2 definitions] |
contrition |
regret for one's own wrongdoing, or for one's offenses against religious mandates. |
contrivance |
the act of contriving. [3 definitions] |
contrive |
to plan or devise cleverly or ingeniously. [5 definitions] |
contrived |
planned or artificial, esp. in an obvious way; not spontaneous. |
control |
to exercise the power to regulate, dominate, or manipulate; command. [9 definitions] |
control experiment |
an experiment in which variables are controlled in order to make clear the effects of varying factors one at a time. |
controlled substance |
any drug whose sale or use is subject to U.S. federal law. |
controller |
one who regulates or controls. [2 definitions] |
control rod |
a rod or bar in a nuclear reactor that contains a neutron-absorbing material, and that is lowered into or raised from the core to control the fission chain reaction. |
control tower |
a tower at an airport from which air traffic is directed by radio. |
controversial |
of, relating to, or characterized by controversy. [3 definitions] |
controversy |
a dispute, esp. a public one, marked by the expression of opposing views; debate. [2 definitions] |
controvert |
to argue in opposition to. |
contumacious |
stubbornly disobedient; insubordinate; rebellious. |