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cornet a brass wind instrument resembling a compact trumpet. [2 definitions]
cornfield a field in which corn is cultivated.
cornflakes a commercially prepared breakfast cereal made of small toasted flakes of coarse cornmeal, usu. eaten in milk.
cornflower a garden plant native to Eurasian grasslands, bearing bluish white to purplish or pink flowers; bluebottle; bachelor's button. [2 definitions]
cornhusking the action of removing the husks from ears of corn. [2 definitions]
cornice in architecture, a decorative horizontal projection running near or along the upper edge of a wall or building; molding. [4 definitions]
Cornish of, concerning, or typical of Cornwall, its people, or their ancient Celtic language. [2 definitions]
corn liquor see "corn whiskey."
cornmeal a coarse meal ground from corn.
corn pone in the southern United States, bread made of corn meal, without eggs or milk, and usu. baked in small oval loaves.
cornrow a section of hair braided tightly and close to the scalp. [3 definitions]
corn silk the long silky part of the pistil of the corn plant, lying between the rows of kernels and extending beyond the tip of the ear.
cornstalk the fibrous stem of a corn plant.
cornstarch a fine, starchy flour ground from corn grains, used as a thickener for cooked foods or a source of industrial starch.
corn sugar dextrose, esp. that derived from cornstarch.
corn syrup a sweetener derived from cornstarch, containing glucose, maltose, and dextrin.
cornucopia a mythological goat's horn containing an endless supply of food, used as a symbol of abundance and prosperity; horn of plenty. [3 definitions]
corn whiskey whiskey made from a mash of at least eighty percent corn; corn liquor.
corny (informal) of humor, lacking subtlety; obvious; trite. [2 definitions]
corolla the petals of a flower collectively.
corollary a readily drawn conclusion; deduction or inference. [4 definitions]