corrugation |
the act of corrugating or the condition or process of being corrugated. [2 definitions] |
corrupt |
dishonest, disloyal, unjust, or otherwise immoral. [11 definitions] |
corruptible |
being open to corruption. |
corruption |
the act of making corrupt or depraved. [5 definitions] |
corsage |
a small bunch of flowers worn by a woman, usu. at the shoulder or waist or on the wrist. [2 definitions] |
corsair |
a pirate or privateer, esp. along the Barbary Coast. [2 definitions] |
corselet |
a woman's supporting undergarment that combines brassiere and girdle. [2 definitions] |
corset |
a stiff, close-fitting undergarment worn to shape or support the middle part of the body. [2 definitions] |
Corsica |
a French Mediterranean island between Sardinia and the Italian coast. |
cortege |
a funeral procession. [2 definitions] |
cortex |
the outer layer of an organ or other body part such as the kidney or the adrenal gland. [3 definitions] |
cortical |
of, relating to, or involving the cerebral cortex. |
corticate |
having a cortex, as a plant or animal or one of its parts. |
cortisol |
a hormone released from the adrenal cortex in response to stress that suppresses the immune system and increases blood sugar. When used as a drug, this hormone is called hydrocortisone. |
cortisone |
a hormone produced by the adrenal cortex or made synthetically, used esp. to treat arthritis and certain allergies. |
coruler |
combined form of ruler. |
corundum |
an exceedingly hard mineral, aluminum oxide, occurring commonly in gray, brown, or blue varieties which are used esp. as abrasives, and more rarely in transparent, crystalline forms such as the ruby and sapphire used in expensive jewelry. |
coruscate |
to give off flashes of light; sparkle; glitter. |
corvette |
a small, swift, lightly armed ship, used esp. as an escort. [2 definitions] |
corvine |
of, like, or pertaining to crows, ravens, or jays. |
cory |
the smaller monetary unit of Guinea. (Cf. syli.) |