crafty |
having or using sly or cunning shrewdness. |
crag |
a steeply jutting or overhanging mass of rock, as on a mountain or headland. |
craggy |
marked by or having crags; rugged, steep, or rough. [2 definitions] |
crake |
any of several long-legged, short-billed rails. |
cram |
to fill (something) by force to or beyond its natural capacity. [8 definitions] |
cramp1 |
(sometimes pl.) a painful and debilitating contraction or spasm of any muscle of the body. [3 definitions] |
cramp2 |
a device for holding or clamping buildings materials together, consisting of a bar with fixed or adjustable arms at each end. [6 definitions] |
cramped |
lacking room or space, as for movement or placement. |
crampfish |
see "electric ray." |
crampon |
an iron hook or curved bar for lifting heavy objects, usu. used in pairs. [2 definitions] |
cranberry |
a North American shrub growing in marshy ground and bearing a tart, red, edible berry, or the berry itself. [2 definitions] |
crane |
any of a family of tall, long-legged wading birds having long necks and bills. [6 definitions] |
crane fly |
any of various long-legged, slender flies that resemble a large mosquito. |
cranesbill |
see "geranium." |
cranial |
of or relating to the skull or cranium. |
cranial nerve |
any of the twelve paired nerves, such as the optic and auditory nerves, that extend from the stem of the brain through openings in the skull. |
craniate |
having a skull or cranium. [2 definitions] |
cranio- |
skull; cranium. |
craniofacial |
of, pertaining to, or involving the cranium and face. |
craniology |
the scientific study of characteristics of the human skull, such as size and shape. |
craniometry |
the science of measuring skulls. |