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crisscross with two or more lines crossing each other. [6 definitions]
crit shortened form of "critic" or "criticism."
criteria pl. of criterion.
criterion a standard or test by which to judge or decide.
critic anyone who judges or evaluates. [3 definitions]
critical tending to make severe judgments or to find fault. [6 definitions]
critical mass the minimum mass of fissionable material necessary to sustain a nuclear chain reaction. [2 definitions]
critical thinking the objective analysis and evaluation of facts and evidence to form a judgment.
criticism the act of making judgments or criticizing. [4 definitions]
criticize to judge with regard to flaws and strengths. [4 definitions]
critique a written critical review of or commentary on a work, esp. of art, literature, or the like. [3 definitions]
critter (informal) a living creature, especially an animal that lives in the wild.
croak to make a low, hoarse sound with the voice, like that of a frog. [4 definitions]
croaker a person, animal, or thing that croaks. [2 definitions]
croaky of a sound, low and hoarse.
Croat a native or citizen of Croatia, or a descendant thereof.
Croatia since 1992, a Balkan republic bordered by the Adriatic Sea, Slovenia, Hungary, and Bosnia and Herzegovina; formerly part of Yugoslavia.
Croatian of or pertaining to Croatia or its people, culture, language, or the like. [3 definitions]
crochet needlework made with a hooked needle that draws the thread in a pattern of intertwined loops. [2 definitions]
crock an earthenware container, esp. a pot or jar. [2 definitions]
crocked (slang) drunk.