crouton |
a small, usu. cubical, piece of bread that is fried or toasted and added to salads, soups, or the like. |
Crow |
a tribe or member of a tribe of a North American Indian people now living in eastern Montana. [2 definitions] |
crow1 |
any of a number of shiny black birds noted for their shrill, harsh calls and for their scavenging. |
crow2 |
to make the harsh call of a rooster. [4 definitions] |
crowbar |
a heavy steel bar or rod, often with a flattened and bent end, that is designed to be used as a lever. |
crowd |
a large number of people massed together. [9 definitions] |
crowded |
very or exceedingly full; packed. [2 definitions] |
crowfoot |
any of various, mostly yellow-flowered plants, esp. with divided leaves that resemble a crow's foot. [2 definitions] |
crown |
a circlet or headdress, often made of precious materials, worn by a king, queen, emperor, or other monarch, usu. on state occasions, as a symbol of sovereignty. [21 definitions] |
crown colony |
a British colony administered by a governor appointed by the home government in London. |
crown glass |
a very clear optical glass with low refraction. [2 definitions] |
crownless |
combined form of crown. |
crown prince |
the male heir to a throne. |
crown princess |
a crown prince's wife. [2 definitions] |
crown roast |
a roast of pork, lamb, or the like formed as a circle of rib chops, tied upright and often capped with paper or foil frills. |
crow's-foot |
(usu. pl.) fine wrinkles near the outer corner of a person's eye. |
crow's-nest |
a small, sometimes partially enclosed observation platform located near the top of a ship's mast. [2 definitions] |
crozier |
variant of crosier. |
abbreviation of "cathode-ray tube," a vacuum tube in which a stream of electrons is accelerated and focused in a beam that produces lighted traces on a screen at one end of the tube, used in television sets, computer monitors, and the like. |
cruces |
a plural form of crux. |
crucial |
of decisive importance; critical. |