defensive |
intended for defense or protection, or serving to defend or protect. [6 definitions] |
defensive back |
a player in American football, whose primary role is to deflect or intercept passes. [2 definitions] |
defer1 |
to put off until a later time or date; postpone. [3 definitions] |
defer2 |
to submit or yield to the desire, opinion, or judgment of another. |
deference |
respect for and submission to the desires, opinions, or judgments of another. [2 definitions] |
deferential |
characterized by or showing deference; respectfully submissive. |
deferment |
the act of putting off or delaying; postponement. [2 definitions] |
defiance |
resistance against authority; insubordination; rebellion. [3 definitions] |
defiant |
characterized by a bold disregard or contempt for authority or opposition; refusing to obey. |
defiantly |
in a manner that shows a strong rejection of an idea or authority or an unwillingness to obey. |
defibrillate |
to stop the fibrillation of (a heart), usu. by administering electric shock. |
deficiency |
the quality or condition of lacking something required; insufficiency or incompleteness. [2 definitions] |
deficiency disease |
a disease caused by lack of a specific nutrient in the diet, or by the body's inability to absorb or metabolize it. |
deficiency judgment |
a judicial decision in favor of a creditor for that part of a debt not satisfied by the debtor, esp. following the foreclosure and sale of a mortgage property. |
deficient |
lacking some essential part, element, substance, or characteristic. [2 definitions] |
deficit |
an amount by which something is less than what is required or expected, esp. the amount by which income is less than expenses. |
deficit financing |
a governmental policy of borrowing to finance government spending. |
defier |
one who challenges or resists authority. |
defile1 |
to make unclean, foul, or filthy. [5 definitions] |
defile2 |
a narrow passage or valley, as between mountains. [3 definitions] |
define |
to explain or state the meaning of (a word or phrase). [4 definitions] |