defy |
to resist or challenge openly; act against the wishes or decrees of. [3 definitions] |
deg. |
abbreviation of "degree," or "degrees," a unit of measure, such as that on a temperature scale. |
degauss |
to neutralize (the magnetic field of a steel ship, chassis, or the like) by means of electric coils; demagnetize. |
degeneracy |
the process of declining, or condition of having declined, from an elevated position, or below a normal or desired state. [2 definitions] |
degenerate |
to decline from an original or former condition; change for the worse in nature or quality; deteriorate. [6 definitions] |
degeneration |
the process of decline or decay. [4 definitions] |
degenerative |
of, exhibiting, or promoting degeneration. |
deglutinate |
to remove or extract the gluten from. |
deglutition |
the act or process of swallowing. |
degradation |
the act or process of degrading, or the condition of being degraded. [2 definitions] |
degrade |
to bring (someone or something) down in moral or intellectual character; deprave; debase. [8 definitions] |
degraded |
below normal standards; uncivilized or depraved. [2 definitions] |
degrading |
tending to debase or humiliate. |
de Grâve |
a French red or white wine. |
degrease |
to dissolve oil or grease. |
degreaser |
a product that dissolves oil or grease. |
degree |
a stage or step, esp. as part of a course of action or process. [6 definitions] |
degree-day |
a unit that represents one degree of difference, from a standard temperature, in the mean outdoor temperature on a certain day. |
dehisce |
to split open along a pre-existing line, as the seedpods of certain plants. |
dehorn |
to remove the horns of (cattle or the like). |
dehumanize |
to deprive of individuality, spirit, or other human qualities; render routine or mechanical. |