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derogate to detract or take away (usu. fol. by "from"). [2 definitions]
derogatory having the purpose or effect of detracting; disparaging.
derrick a device for lifting and moving heavy loads, usu. consisting of a stationary mast and a rotating boom that projects upward from its base. [2 definitions]
derrière the buttocks.
derring-do daring or courageous deeds.
derringer a small pistol that can be easily concealed in a pocket.
derris any of several leguminous plants of the East Indies, whose roots produce the insecticide rotenone.
dervish someone who belongs to any of several Muslim religious groups noted for their ascetic practices and for dancing and whirling in religious ecstasy.
DES abbreviation of "diethylstilbestrol," a synthetic estrogen formerly used to treat the symptoms of menopause and to supplement animal feed, but now banned in the United States as carcinogenic.
desalinate to remove salt from, esp. to make sea water drinkable.
desalination the process of removing salt from water, esp. for the purpose of making sea water drinkable; desalinization.
desalinization the process of removing salt from water; desalination.
descant a secondary, usu. higher, melody that is played or sung at the same time as the chief melody. [4 definitions]
descend to move downward or to a lower position or state. [7 definitions]
descendant one regarded as the biological offspring of a given ancestor or ancestors. [3 definitions]
descendent proceeding in a downward direction; descending. [2 definitions]
descent the act or process of going downward. [4 definitions]
describe to tell about; give a verbal account of. [2 definitions]
description the act of describing. [3 definitions]
descriptive characterized by description. [2 definitions]
descry to see or make out, esp. something obscured or at a distance. [2 definitions]