descry |
to see or make out, esp. something obscured or at a distance. [2 definitions] |
Desdemona |
in the Shakespearean tragedy, Othello, Othello's wife, whom he murders out of unfounded jealousy. |
desecrate |
to violate the sacredness of; treat sacrilegiously. |
desecration |
the act of or an instance of violating the sacredness of something. |
desegregate |
to eliminate the segregation of races in. [2 definitions] |
desegregation |
the act, result, or policy of eliminating segregation, esp. of racial or ethnic groups. |
desensitize |
to cause to react with less intensity, as to light or other stimuli. [2 definitions] |
desert1 |
a very dry, often sandy area with little or no plant growth. [5 definitions] |
desert2 |
to abandon and thereby be remiss in one's duties or obligations. [3 definitions] |
desert3 |
(often pl.) that which one deserves, esp. something unpleasant. |
deserter |
someone who abandons or forsakes his or her military post, duties, or obligations. |
desertification |
the transformation of fertile land to desert by natural causes, esp. drought, or through human activity such as deforestation, overgrazing, and the like. |
desertify |
to cause to change from land capable of sustaining plant life and agriculture to desert land that is essentially barren. |
desertion |
willful abandonment of one's spouse or children, as well as all related legal responsibilities. [2 definitions] |
deserve |
to be qualified for or worthy of; merit. [2 definitions] |
deserved |
rightly earned; merited. |
deservedly |
with justification; rightly. |
deserving |
worthy of praise, regard, assistance, or the like. |
desex |
to remove the sex organs of; castrate or spay. [2 definitions] |
desiccant |
causing dryness. [2 definitions] |
desiccate |
to eliminate the moisture in; dry up. [3 definitions] |