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diffraction modification of light or other waves by partially obstructing them so that they bend around the obstruction and break into bands of different frequencies.
diffraction grating a set of equidistant parallel lines or grooves made very close together on glass or polished metal, used to diffract light and produce a spectrum.
diffuse to cause or allow to flow out and spread freely. [9 definitions]
diffusion the spreading or wide scattering of something. [3 definitions]
diffusive marked by diffusion.
dig to make a hole by removing dirt, sand, or the like. [8 definitions]
digest to break down or promote the breaking down of (food) into substances that can be absorbed by body tissues. [8 definitions]
digestible capable of being digested or absorbed.
digestion the process by which the body converts food into absorbable substances. [3 definitions]
digestive of or pertaining to digestion. [3 definitions]
digestive juice any or all of the fluids produced by the body to digest food, such as secretions by the salivary glands, stomach walls, pancreas, and liver.
digestive system the parts of the body that work together to break down food so that it can be used by the body as energy. The human digestive system includes the mouth, esophagus, stomach, and intestines.
digger a person or a machine, tool, or the like that digs or excavates. [3 definitions]
digger wasp any of various wasps that paralyze spiders and other prey with their stingers, then lay eggs on them in underground nests.
diggings (often used with a sing. verb) a place where excavation or mining is being done. [2 definitions]
digit a finger or toe. [2 definitions]
digital expressed in the form of numerical digits [5 definitions]
digital audio tape a tape recording made with digital techniques.
digital citizen a person who uses information technology to connect with society and the world.
digital clock a clock that displays the time as digits rather than by hands on a dial.
digital computer the type of computer in widest use, that represents data as discrete electrical signals and operates at high speed. (Cf. analog computer.)