dine out |
to eat dinner away from one's home. |
diner |
one who eats a meal. [3 definitions] |
dinette |
a small section of a room, esp. of a kitchen, that is used as an informal dining area; breakfast nook. [2 definitions] |
ding |
to ring or make a sound like that of a bell. [2 definitions] |
ding-a-ling |
(informal) a person who is considered stupid, slow-witted, or foolish. |
dingbat |
(informal) a silly or foolish person. |
ding-dong |
the sound of the repeated strokes of a bell. [2 definitions] |
dinghy |
a small boat used to tend a larger one, usu. as a lifeboat or for short trips to shore and back. [2 definitions] |
dingo |
an Australian species of wild dog. |
dingus |
(informal) an object whose name is forgotten or unknown; thingamajig. |
dingy |
dirty or unkempt, as clothing or a living place; grimy. [2 definitions] |
dining |
the activity of eating a meal, esp. the evening meal or an elegant one. |
dining car |
a railroad car in which meals are served to passengers. |
dining room |
a room, usu. in a home or hotel, where meals are eaten. |
dinkey |
a small locomotive, used in a railroad yard to shift or haul cars. |
dinky |
(informal) very small; insignificant. |
dinner |
the chief meal of the day. [2 definitions] |
dinner jacket |
a man's semiformal jacket for evening wear; tuxedo. [2 definitions] |
dinnerless |
combined form of dinner. |
dinner ring |
a ring set with a gem or group of gemstones, worn by a woman on formal occasions. |
dinnertime |
the time at which dinner is ready, or the period when dinner is being eaten. |