disarming |
easing hostility or mistrust; charmingly agreeable. |
disarrange |
to disturb the arrangement or order of. |
disarray |
to upset or throw into disorder or confusion. [4 definitions] |
disassemble |
to take apart. [2 definitions] |
disassociate |
to put to an end an association with (persons, causes, or the like); dissociate. |
disaster |
a sudden calamity, esp. one causing widespread damage or suffering such as an earthquake, flood, oil spill, or fire. [2 definitions] |
disastrous |
causing grave harm, loss, ruin, or the like; tragic or calamitous. |
disavow |
to deny any knowledge of, responsibility for, or connection with; disclaim. [3 definitions] |
disavowable |
combined form of disavow. |
disband |
of an organized group, to break up or disperse. [2 definitions] |
disbar |
to expel officially from the legal profession. |
disbelief |
a lack of belief; refusal or unwillingness to believe. |
disbelieve |
to refuse to believe in; withhold belief from. [2 definitions] |
disburden |
to unload or relieve (someone or something) of anything burdensome; take a burden from. [3 definitions] |
disburse |
to pay out (funds); spend. [2 definitions] |
disbursement |
the act or an instance of paying out. [2 definitions] |
disc1 |
a phonograph record. [2 definitions] |
disc2 |
any thin, flat, circular object, or one that appears flat and circular. [4 definitions] |
discard |
to throw out or away; cast off. [5 definitions] |
discardable |
combined form of discard. |
disc brake |
a brake that operates by use of pressure exerted from two fixed pads against a rotating disc, as in an automobile. |