discriminatory |
demonstrating prejudice against groups or individuals. |
discursive |
ranging over numerous topics, esp. in an orderly or coherent way. [2 definitions] |
discus |
a disk of standardized weight, usu. of wood with a metal rim, thrown for distance in track and field competitions. [2 definitions] |
discuss |
to talk together about; confer on. [2 definitions] |
discussable |
combined form of discuss. |
discussant |
a participant in a formal discussion. |
discussion |
the act or an instance of discussing, or, collectively, the various things said while discussing. |
disdain |
to regard or treat with contempt; scorn. [3 definitions] |
disdainful |
feeling or showing scorn, contempt, or aloofness. |
disease |
an abnormal physical or mental condition that causes an organism to function wrongly; illness; sickness. [2 definitions] |
diseased |
affected by disease or illness. |
disease resistance |
in an organism or group of organisms, a quality of low susceptibility to disease. |
disease-resistent |
of or pertaining to disease resistance. |
disease-ridden |
full of or capable of bringing about disease. |
disembark |
to put or go ashore from a ship. |
disembarrass |
to rid or free (someone) from something embarrassing, frustrating, burdensome, or the like; relieve. |
disembody |
to take away or free (the soul or spirit) from the body. |
disembowel |
to remove the bowels or guts from. |
disenchant |
to make free of enchantment or illusion. |
disencumber |
to remove encumbrances or burdens from. |
disenfranchise |
to deprive (someone) of a right of citizenship, esp. the right to vote; disfranchise. [2 definitions] |