disputation |
the act of disputing; discussion or debate. [2 definitions] |
disputatious |
inclined to quarrel or provoke dispute; argumentative. |
dispute |
to argue or debate about (a question, proposal, or the like). [7 definitions] |
disqualification |
the act or an instance of disqualifying or being disqualified. [2 definitions] |
disqualify |
to make unfit or unqualified. [2 definitions] |
disquiet |
lack of mental calm or peace; anxiety; uneasiness. [2 definitions] |
disquietude |
a state of uneasiness; anxiety. |
disquisition |
a formal, often lengthy, oral or written discussion of a subject. |
disregard |
to refuse to notice or respond to; ignore. [3 definitions] |
disrepair |
the state or condition of needing repair (often prec. by "in"). |
disreputable |
in bad repute; not respectable. [2 definitions] |
disrepute |
ill repute or low regard; disgrace or disfavor (usu. prec. by "in" or "into"). |
disrespect |
lack of respect; impoliteness; contempt. [2 definitions] |
disrespectable |
combined form of disrespect. |
disrespectful |
exhibiting disrespect; discourteous. |
disrobe |
to take the clothes off; undress. |
disrupt |
to throw into disorder or turmoil. [2 definitions] |
disruption |
the condition or an instance of disrupting or being disrupted. |
disruptive |
causing or caused by turmoil or disorderly behavior. |
dissatisfaction |
the state or condition of not being satisfied, or a cause of this condition. |
dissatisfactory |
causing displeasure or dissatisfaction. |