do one's bit |
to give one's effort to a particular endeavor, often one that is shared with others; do one's share. |
do one's hair |
to arrange one's own or another person's hair in a particular style. |
do one's makeup |
to apply makeup, usually to the face. |
door |
an opening, esp. in a room or building, through which one enters or leaves; entryway. [5 definitions] |
doorbell |
a bell, buzzer, or other signal at an outside door, as of a house or apartment, sounded to gain admission. |
do-or-die |
showing or necessitating desperate effort. [2 definitions] |
do or die |
to make the ultimate effort. |
doorframe |
the framework of a doorway. |
doorjamb |
one of the vertical sides of a doorframe; doorpost. |
doorkeeper |
one whose job is to guard or tend the entrance to a building. |
doorknob |
a rounded handle or knob used to open and close a door. |
doorless |
combined form of door. |
doorman |
one whose job is to tend the entrance of an apartment house, hotel, or other building, and to assist residents or guests. |
doormat |
a mat placed in front of or inside a door, on which to remove dirt from shoes or feet. [2 definitions] |
doornail |
a large-headed nail formerly used to stud doors. |
doorplate |
a plate, usu. of metal, attached to or next to a door, bearing the room number, name of occupant, or the like. |
doorpost |
either of the upright posts in a doorframe; doorjamb. |
door prize |
a prize awarded to someone attending a public or social event, based on a lottery drawn from admission tickets or the like. |
doorsill |
the sill of a doorway or entry; threshold. |
doorstep |
a step or series of steps leading up to an outside door. |
doorstop |
any of various devices, such as a weighted object, a wedge, or a rubber-tipped projection, used to control the position or movement of a door, as to prop it open at a certain width or prevent it from hitting an adjacent wall. |