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double-dealing an act of deception, duplicity, or treachery. [2 definitions]
double-decker a bus, ship, or other conveyance that has two tiers or decks for passengers. [3 definitions]
double-digit of, pertaining to, or denoting a rate greater than ten and less than one hundred percent, esp. used to describe a high inflation rate.
double dipping the practice, often regarded as unethical, of receiving benefits such as salary, pension, or other compensation from two organizations simultaneously.
double dribble in basketball, the illegal action of a player who either dribbles the ball with both hands or resumes dribbling after a complete stop.
double-edged having two cutting edges, as a saw or razor blade. [2 definitions]
double entendre a word or expression that has two meanings, one of them usu. sexually suggestive.
double entry a common bookkeeping system in which each transaction is credited to one account and debited to another. (Cf. single entry.)
double exposure the act of making two exposures on the same film, photographic plate, or the like. [2 definitions]
double-faced having two faces, fronts, or finished surfaces. [2 definitions]
double feature a movie theater program that offers two feature films for the price of one admission.
double flat a musical sign placed before a note, indicating that its pitch is to be lowered by two semitones.
doubleheader a set of two games played one right after the other, esp. of baseball. [2 definitions]
double indemnity a provision in a life or accident insurance policy that twice the face value of the contract will be paid in the event of accidental death.
double jeopardy the prosecution of a person for an offense for which he or she has already been tried.
double-jointed having joints that will bend freely and at unusual angles.
double-knit a fabric, usu. synthetic, knit on a machine with two sets of needles so that, as the two single-knit fabrics are produced, they are also woven together to form a double thickness. [2 definitions]
double negative the use of two negative words in one sentence, considered substandard when intended to express a single negation.
double-park to park (a vehicle) alongside another that is parked parallel to the curb.
double play in baseball, a single play in which two players are put out.
double pneumonia pneumonia that affects both lungs.