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ear2 the seed-bearing part of a plant such as corn. [2 definitions]
earache a persisting pain in the middle or inner ear.
earbud earphones that fit into the outer ear canal.
eardrum a membrane that separates the middle ear from the outer ear and that vibrates when sound waves strike it. (See tympanic membrane.)
eared seal any of a family of seals, including fur seals and sea lions, with powerful front flippers, and hind flippers that permit locomotion on land.
earflap on a cap, a flap that can be turned down to protect the ears.
earful (informal) a great amount of spoken information or gossip, sometimes of a startling sort. [2 definitions]
earl a British nobleman who is ranked above a viscount and below a marquess. An earl is the British equivalent of a count.
earlap an earflap, as on a cap. [2 definitions]
earless seal any of a family of seals with inconspicuous ears, short front flippers, and rudimentary hind flippers that are best adapted for swimming.
earlier comparative of "early." [2 definitions]
earliest superlative of "early."
earlobe the fleshy lower part of the outer ear.
early in the first stage of a time period. [10 definitions]
Early American of or characteristic of the colonial and post-colonial periods of U.S. history, esp. of the furniture, utensils, quilts, and other handicrafts produced during this time.
early bird one who gets up early in the morning. [2 definitions]
Early Modern English the spoken and written English of about the mid-fifteenth to mid-eighteenth centuries.
Early Precambrian see "Archean."
earmark a particular quality or trait that distinguishes a person or thing from others. [4 definitions]
earmuff one of a pair of protective pads joined by an adjustable headband and worn over the ears, as against cold.
earn to receive in return for work or service. [4 definitions]