eight-track tape |
a magnetic-tape cartridge with four pairs of stereo tracks of prerecorded sound, popular in the United States from the mid-sixties to the early eighties. |
eighty |
the number represented by the Arabic numeral 80 and by the Roman numeral LXXX. [5 definitions] |
eikon |
variant of icon. |
Einsteinian |
of or concerning Einstein or his work, esp. the theories of relativity. |
einsteinium |
a synthetic radioactive chemical element that has ninety-nine protons in each nucleus. (symbol: Es) |
either |
one or the other of two. [5 definitions] |
ejaculate |
to discharge (semen). [2 definitions] |
ejaculation |
the act, an instance, or the process of ejaculating, esp. semen. [2 definitions] |
ejaculatory |
of, for, or capable of ejaculating. [2 definitions] |
eject |
to expel forcefully. [3 definitions] |
ejecta |
material thrown out, as from a volcano. |
ejectable |
combined form of eject. |
ejection seat |
a seat designed to eject from an aircraft during an emergency and parachute to the ground with its occupant. |
eke |
to obtain or earn (a living or existence) with great effort (usu. fol. by "out'). [2 definitions] |
abbreviation of "electrocardiogram," the graphic pattern traced by an electrocardiograph, which shows electrical activity in the heart muscles and which is used to diagnose heart ailments or malfunction. |
ekistics |
(used with a sing. verb) the study of human settlements, including their history and design, and community planning. |
el |
(informal) an elevated railroad. |
elaborate |
planned or carried out with great care and attention to numerous parts or details. [5 definitions] |
elaboration |
the act or an instance of adding elaborative material or detail, or the material or detail so added. [2 definitions] |
élan |
enthusiasm or vigor. [2 definitions] |
eland |
either of two large African antelopes with long horns that are twisted in a spiral. |