electrotypy |
the technique and process of making an electrotype. |
electrum |
a yellow alloy of gold and silver. |
electuary |
a drug mixed with honey, syrup, or the like to form a paste to be smeared on the teeth or gums of a sick animal. |
eleemosynary |
of, pertaining to, dependent on, or given as charity; charitable. |
elegance |
the quality of refinement, taste, and grace, esp. when combined with richness of decoration or design. [3 definitions] |
elegant |
beautifully and tastefully designed or decorated. [3 definitions] |
elegiac |
sorrowful or mournful. [2 definitions] |
elegize |
to commemorate or lament in a poem, song, or the like. [2 definitions] |
elegy |
a sorrowful or mournful poem or musical composition, esp. a lament for the dead. |
element |
a part of any whole. [6 definitions] |
elemental |
relating to first principles; ultimate; fundamental. [3 definitions] |
elementary |
of or relating to first principles; irreducible; fundamental. [3 definitions] |
elementary particle |
one of various subatomic particles, such as electrons, neutrinos, or quarks, from which all matter is made. |
elementary school |
a school in which the first six to eight years of a child's education is taught. |
elemi |
any of various fragrant oily resins obtained from certain tropical trees, used in making varnishes, inks, ointments, and perfumes. |
elephant |
either of two large mammals, one Asian and one African, that have a long, flexible trunk used for grasping food or lifting burdens, upper incisors elongated into curving tusks, and, in the African species, esp. large fan-shaped ears. |
elephantiasis |
a chronic tropical disease, usu. caused by nematode worms, marked by lymphatic obstruction that results in an enormous enlargement and hardening of the skin and tissue just below the skin, esp. of the legs and scrotum. |
elephantine |
of or pertaining to an elephant or elephants. [2 definitions] |
elev. |
abbreviation of "elevation," the height to which something rises or is raised, or its height above sea level or ground level. |
elevate |
to raise or lift up to a higher physical position. [4 definitions] |
elevated |
raised above a particular level. [4 definitions] |