Emancipation Proclamation |
the declaration first introduced in 1862 by President Lincoln that freed all the slaves from Confederate states that were not yet under Union control during the United States Civil War. |
emasculate |
to castrate. [2 definitions] |
embalm |
to treat (a corpse) with preservatives before burial. [3 definitions] |
embank |
to enclose or support with a mound or wall of earth or stone; construct an embankment around or along. |
embankment |
a mound or bank of earth or stone formed to support a roadway, serve as a protective barrier, or the like. |
embarcadero |
a place on the edge of a body of water where a boat can land, such as a wharf. |
embargo |
a government injunction or other legal restriction on trade or the shipment of goods. [4 definitions] |
embark |
to board a ship, esp. to begin a voyage. [4 definitions] |
embarkation |
the act or an instance of embarking. |
embarrass |
to shame, disconcert, make ill at ease, or make painfully self-conscious. [5 definitions] |
embarrassable |
combined form of embarrass. |
embarrassed |
experiencing, expressing, or marked by feelings of shame, painful self-consciousness, or unease. [2 definitions] |
embarrassing |
causing or accompanied by feelings of shame, painful self-consciousness, or unease. |
embarrassment |
the condition of being embarrassed. [3 definitions] |
embassy |
an ambassador and his staff. [4 definitions] |
embattle |
to dispose or prepare (troops or a fortification) for battle. [2 definitions] |
embattled |
under attack by enemies or opponents; involved in battle. [2 definitions] |
embay |
to surround, enclose, or shelter in a bay, or as in a bay. |
embed |
to set or enclose firmly in some surrounding material. [2 definitions] |
embedded |
of journalists, stationed and traveling with a designated active military unit for the purpose of wartime reporting. |
embellish |
to improve by, or as though by, decorations; decorate. [2 definitions] |