embrocation |
a healing or soothing liniment or lotion. [2 definitions] |
embroider |
to make or decorate with ornamental needlework. [3 definitions] |
embroidery |
the art or product of ornamental needlework. [2 definitions] |
embroil |
to involve in conflict. [2 definitions] |
embryectomy |
the surgical removal of an embryo, esp. of one developing outside the uterus. |
embryo |
an organism in its earliest stage or stages of development and in a rudimentary or early form. [3 definitions] |
embryologist |
one who studies embryos and their development. |
embryology |
the branch of science that concerns the formation and development of embryos. [2 definitions] |
embryonic |
of, relating to, or in the state of being an embryo. [2 definitions] |
emcee |
a master of ceremonies. [3 definitions] |
emeer |
variant of emir. |
emend |
to correct or improve (written text), esp. by removing errors; edit. |
emendable |
combined form of emend. |
emendate |
to edit or emend (a text). |
emerald |
a gemstone of brilliant, transparent, dark green beryl. [2 definitions] |
Emerald Isle |
the island of Ireland. |
emerge |
to rise up from or come out of a surrounding environment or substance. [3 definitions] |
emergence |
the act or process of emerging. |
emergency |
a serious situation or sudden crisis, usu. unforeseen, that requires immediate action. |
emergent |
rising up from or coming out of a surrounding environment or substance; emerging. [4 definitions] |
emeritus |
retired but continuing to hold as an honorary title the one held just prior to retirement. [2 definitions] |