emphasize |
to give greater strength or importance to; stress. [2 definitions] |
emphatic |
expressed, performed, or uttered with emphasis. [3 definitions] |
emphysema |
a disease of the lungs marked by loss of elasticity in air cells, causing difficulty in breathing and impairment of proper heart function. |
empire |
a single political unit, with one supreme ruler, composed of an aggregate of nations or peoples. [4 definitions] |
empiric |
one who believes that practical experience is the only test of the validity of knowledge. |
empirical |
based on or verifiable by experience or experiment, rather than on or by theory. |
empiricism |
the philosophy, doctrine, or belief that all knowledge is based on experience, esp. of the senses. [3 definitions] |
emplace |
to put into place. |
emplacement |
a space or platform on which to position a gun or a battery of guns. [2 definitions] |
emplane |
variant of enplane. |
employ |
to make use of; use. [4 definitions] |
employable |
combined form of employ. |
employee |
someone who works for a person or business in return for wages or other compensation. |
employer |
a person or organization that employs others, usu. for payment. |
employment |
an instance or act of employing. [3 definitions] |
emporium |
a major trading center. [2 definitions] |
empower |
to grant legal power or authority to; authorize. [2 definitions] |
empowering |
giving power, confidence, or authority. |
empowerment |
the act of granting rights or legal authority to people within a society. [2 definitions] |
empress |
the supreme female ruler of an empire. [2 definitions] |
empty |
holding, having, or containing nothing; lacking the customary or appropriate contents. [10 definitions] |